Uniping server solution v3


Even more possibilities when using extra devices with UniPing server solution v3:

SMS notification sending and SMS commands executing with the help of NetPing SMS

With the help of an extra NetPing SMS SNMP-to-SMS gateway here comes a possibility to send SMS notifications about sensors triggering through a hardware GSM modem, built into NetPing SMS. There is also a possibility to receive SMS commands and execute them by a device. NetPing SMS is a gate between SNMP commands, transferred via an Ethernet/Internet network, and a GSM network, in which SMS notifications are transferred. One NetPing SMS SNMP-to-SMS gateway can work with lots of other NetPing server room environmental monitoring units and power distribution units, providing them a possibility to transfer SMS notification and execute SMS commands.

Connecting a device to an existing WiFi network

If there is no Ethernet network in a place of a device installation, but there is a WiFi network, it is possible to connect a device to a WiFi network with the help of a VAP11N module (optional purchase). This allows avoiding a necessity to lay a wired Ethernet network to a place of a device installation. You can simply use an existing wireless infrastructure.

Connecting controlled power supply sockets NetPing AC/DIN

If there is a need to control a power supply of the external load, it is possible to connect an external controlled power supply socket NetPing AC/DIN to a server room monitoring unit. Such controlled socket allows to switch on, switch off and reload a power supply of the external load 100V … 240V 50/60Hz, with a current up to 10A.

Uninterruptible power supply of a device with NetPing Mini-UPS:

In a regular mode, UniPing server solution v3 is powered from 100V … 240V AC, 50/60 Hz, but in case of turning off a power supply it is sometimes necessary to continue a device operation. It can be important to transfer critical notifications about sensors triggering as well as to transfer a notification about a power supply shutdown. A special device NetPing Mini-UPS with a built-in battery will provide a backup power supply when a main power supply is turned off.

[Документация] UniPing v3

  • UniPing v3, Описание встроенного ПО

    • 1. Введение
    • 2. Получение основной информации об устройстве

      • 2.1. Как узнать IP адрес по умолчанию и MAC адрес устройства?
      • 2.2. Имя пользователя и пароль по умолчанию
      • 2.3. Подключение к web-интерфейсу устройства с авторизацией по умолчанию
      • 2.4. Мне нужно узнать версию ПО, версию железа и серийный номер устройства
      • 2.5. Как посмотреть время непрерывной работы?
      • 2.6. Где посмотреть имя, местонахождение и контактные данные устройства?
      • 2.7. Как перезагрузить устройство?
    • 3. Базовая настройка

      • 3.1. Как настроить имя, местонахождение и контактные данные устройства?
      • 3.2. Где изменить настройки сетевого интерфейса?
      • 3.3. Смена имени пользователя и пароля
      • 3.4. Как задать community для SNMP?
      • 3.5. Как ограничить доступ к устройству?
      • 3.6. Нужно отправить SNMP trap сообщения. Как это настроить?
      • 3.7. Как настроить время?
      • 3.8. Хочу настроить SYSLOG. Как это сделать?
      • 3.9. Как получать уведомления и отчеты по электронной почте?
      • 3.10. Как обновлять прошивку на устройстве?
      • 3.11. Системный журнал устройства
    • 4. Работа с термодатчиками

      • 4.1. Какие термодатчики поддерживает устройство?
      • 4.2. Где посмотреть текущую температуру?
      • 4.3. Можно ли задавать описание для датчиков температуры?
      • 4.4. Настройка верхней и нижней границы нормы термодатчика
      • 4.5. Хочу настроить отправку уведомлений при смене статуса термодатчика. Как это сделать?
    • 5. Работа с датчиком влажности

      • 5.1. Какой датчик влажности поддерживает устройство?
      • 5.2. Просмотр показаний и настройка параметров датчика влажности в web-интерфейсе
      • 5.3. Хочу настроить отправку уведомлений при смене статуса датчика влажности. Как это сделать?
    • 6. Работа со встроенным реле

      • 6.1. Настройка режима управления реле
      • 6.2. Что такое «Сторож» и как его настроить?
      • 6.3. Что такое «Расписание», и как его настроить?
    • 7. Работа с каналами дискретного ввода-вывода

      • 7.1. Можно ли задавать описание для линии ввода-вывода?
      • 7.2. Установка режима работы линии ввода-вывода
      • 7.3. Как определить текущий лог. уровень на линии ввода-вывода?
      • 7.4. Как управлять линией ввода-вывода в режиме «выход»?
      • 7.5. Хочу настроить отправку уведомлении при смене лог. уровня линии ввода-вывода. Как это сделать?
      • 7.6. Для чего нужен фильтр коротких помех в настройках линии ввода-вывода?
    • 8. Работа с аналоговым датчиком дыма (токовый датчик)

      • 8.1. Просмотр текущего состояния датчика дыма
      • 8.2. Настройка порога событий: тревога, обрыв шлейфа, короткое замыкание шлейфа
      • 8.3. Хочу настроить отправку уведомлений при смене статуса датчика дыма. Как это сделать?
      • 8.4. Настройка питания шлейфа
    • 9. Работа с COM-портом

      • 9.1. Для чего используется COM порт в этом устройстве?
      • 9.2. Как настроить COM порт?
    • 10. Работа с модулем ИК управления

      • 10.1. Как правильно записывать ИК команды?
      • 10.2. Воспроизведение ИК команд через web-интерфейс
      • 10.3. Можно ли воспроизводить ИК команды через SNMP?
      • 10.4. Как определить версию встроенного ПО ИК модуля?
      • 10.5. Рекомендации
    • 11. Работа с модулем «Логика»

      • 11.1. Что такое «Логика»?
      • 11.2. Как пользоваться модулем «Логика»?
      • 11.3. Настройка термостата
      • 11.4. Как настроить Пингер в модуле «Логика»?
      • 11.5. Что такое SNMP SETTER?
      • 11.6. Сигнал сброса и начальные состояния выходов
      • 11.7. Подключение реле и IO линий
      • 11.8. ИК команды
      • 11.9. Примеры настройки модуля «Логика»
    • 12. Поддержка устройством SNMP протокола

      • 12.1. Могу ли я управлять устройством при помощи SNMP?
      • 12.2. Настройка отправки SNMP TRAP сообщений
      • 12.3. Какие OID поддерживаются устройством?
      • 12.4. Поддержка SNMP Trap
    • 13. Поддержка устройством URL-encoded команд

      • 13.1. Управление IO линиями
      • 13.2. Управление реле
      • 13.3. Управление термодатчиками
      • 13.4. Управление датчиком дыма (токовый датчик)
      • 13.5. Управление приемопередатчиком ИК команд
      • 13.6. Управление датчиком влажности
  • UniPing v3, Руководство пользователя

    • Введение
    • Ограничение ответственности и авторское право
    • Подготовка устройства к первому включению
    • Внешний вид устройства
    • Первоначальное конфигурирование устройства
    • Сброс параметров в значения по умолчанию (к заводским установкам)
    • Контакты разъема DHS-44M
    • Использование линий IO для управления внешними устройствами (в режиме «выход»)
    • Подключение датчиков к устройству
    • Комплект поставки
    • Дополнительные документы и ссылки
    • Гарантийные обязательства
    • Условия эксплуатации и хранения

Usually, UniPing server solution v3 is used to:

  • Monitoring physical conditions of computer equipment operation and restricting access to closets with equipment as well as notifying people in charge about emergencies (E-mail notifications, local notifications):
  • Remote controlling air conditioners, ventilation systems, and systems for maintaining a micro climate. Connected sensors allow to track a current situation and control 220V sockets remotely, using NetPing AC/DIN sockets that allow to turn on a necessary system with no need to be present at an object physically, including automatic mode! A device can control an air conditioner using IR commands (using NetPing IRC-TR v2)

Email, SNMP TRAP, Syslog notifications about sensors triggering

When sensors, connected to a server room monitoring device, are triggered, the device can send the next notifications:

SNMP TRAP — is convenient to use for integration with monitoring systems as well as for fulfilling automatic actions on a PC (for example, start playing an alarm) with the help of specific software.

Syslog — with the help of specific software installed on a PC (a syslog server), all messages from sensors can be stored in a text file for a following analysis.

Temperature sensors

External temperature sensors are extremely popular in server room and data center monitoring systems. With their help, it is possible to control a temperature mode of a critical equipment operation as well as receive timely notifications about denials and failures in a climate control system, diagnose coolers failures and accidental ventilation flows overlaps.

Humidity sensors

It allows to estimate a relative humidity of atmospheric air. It is commonly used to monitor optimum conditions of a computer equipment operation in server rooms.

Supply voltage sensor

This sensor allows to detect a presence or an absence of voltage in a power supply socket, to which a sensor is connected. A common use of this sensor is to receive notifications when a voltage in the electrical network disappears. At the same time, the device must be powered by UPS or a battery, or a backup power line.

Door opening/closing sensors

It performs security and monitoring functions. It helps to track opening/closing of a door into a server room, data center or the same of a door to a switch cabinet with equipment.

Leakage sensors

Allows to determine a water on a floor of a server room, data center or on a bottom of a wiring closet. In a case of flooding (a breakage in a water or heating system) this sensor allows to give advance notice to a responsible employee about a contingency. Also this sensor can be useful to control leakage in a conditioner condensing system.

Smoke detection sensors

Allows to detect a smoke indoors. It is usually used with NetPing server room environmental monitoring units as a backup monitoring sensor. An appropriate equipment must be used to implement the functions of a security and fire system!

Клеммы подключения IO линий

Блок клемм «DISCRETE IO» используется для подключения универсальных IO линий.  

В блоке выведено восемь IO линий. Для каждой линии выведено два контакта: «IO» и «GND». Для удобства подключения датчиков в блоке «DISCRETE IO» также выведены клеммы «+5В» и «+12В». Максимальный суммарный ток на клеммах «+5В» и «+12В» составляет 200мА, ограничивается самовосстанавливающимся предохранителем. Для восстановления работы клеммы после перегрузки необходимо полностью обесточить устройство на 30 минут.

Электрические параметры IO линий в режиме «выход»:

Напряжение  логической «1»:  4В, максимальный ток: 0.3 mA

Напряжение  логического «0»:  0,1В, максимальный ток: 0.8 A

Электрические параметры IO линий в режиме «вход»:

Напряжение  логической «1»:  >2.1В

Напряжение  логического «0»:  <0,9В

К IO линиям устройства можно напрямую подключать обмотки реле. Напряжение срабатывания реле должно быть либо 12В либо 5В, ток срабатывания не более 200мА. Управляющие контакты реле подключаются к клемме IO линии и к клемме «+12В» для 12В реле или клемме «+5В» для 5В реле. Соответствующая IO линия должна быть переведена в режим «выход». При подключении нескольких реле следует учитывать, что их суммарный максимальный ток срабатывания не должен превышать 200мА.

Usability, simple integration into existing systems, reliability:

Works 24 hours/7 days a week, with no hang-ups

A server room monitoring device is designed for an uninterrupted operation in an unattended room in 24/7 mode. A built-in power supply supervisor protects a device from hang-ups when there are voltage fluctuations. We do not use operating systems when developing software. The entire code is written by us on a C language completely, and the code is highly optimized for the provided functionality.

An embedded web server

A device is managed and configured through a browser. Specific software is not needed. Operates in any OS (Windows, Linux, Mac).

Connecting to an Ethernet network, a static IP address

A server room monitoring device is connected to a common office Ethernet network, into any available port of an Ethernet switch. Having published an IP address of a device in the Internet, it is possible to manage device sockets from anywhere in the world.

2 Ethernet ports on a body of a device

They allow using one port to connect a server room monitoring device to an Ethernet switch, and the second one as a common Ethernet port to plug any Ethernet devices, including other NetPing server room monitoring units and power distribution units, in a chain. This can be extremely useful when all ports of a switch are already occupied: NetPing can be plugged into a switch, and a network device can be plugged into an available Ethernet port.

Authorization and access restriction

An access to a web interface of a server room monitoring unit is protected with a login and password, set by a user. There is a need to authorize to get to a web interface of a device. Besides, it is possible to restrict an access to a device, having left an access from a specified IP sub network only.

SNMP support

An SNMP protocol is widely used in data collection systems for network equipment. A server room environmental monitoring unit supports management commands as well as receives information from sensors via an SNMP protocol. A device is easily integrated with network monitoring systems, such as Zabbix, PRTG Network Monitor, Nagios, OpenNMS, Monit, The Dude, LibreNMS, SolarWinds Orion Platform and similar ones, which receive data on a status of sensors, connected to a device through an SNMP protocol. 

Syslog support

This protocol together with dedicated server software can be used for collecting text log files of different devices operation in a network, including NetPing server room environmental monitoring devices. This can be very useful for collecting and analyzing statistics. 

URL-encoded commands support

A server room monitoring device supports sockets management and receiving information from sensors with the help of specific HTTP commands. These commands allow managing a device from any web page, developed by a user, including any mobile application. 

Firmware update

A server room monitoring device supports updating firmware through a web-interface of a device. We occasionally release updates for firmware. The updates are free of charge. 

Nonvolatile log file

All events (turning devices on and off, information from sensors) are stored in a nonvolatile memory. The information is stored even when a power supply cuts off. 

Nonvolatile clock and time synchronization with NTP

To execute commands in a fixed specific time (a module Schedule), it is crucially important for a clock not to shift. Time tags are used for records in a log file as well. A device has its own built-in nonvolatile clock and a possibility to automatically sync with external time server via an NTP protocol.

Подключение розеток NetPing AC/DIN

При подключении розетки к устройству задействованы все провода, кроме коричневого (белого). IO линию, к которой подключена розетка AC/DIN, необходимо перевести в состояние «выход». При состоянии «лог. 0» на IO линии на розетке будет присутствовать 220 В, нагрузка будет включена. При состоянии «лог.1» на IO линии розетка будет обесточена, нагрузка выключена.

Управление от IO линии:

Цветной шлейф

Название контакта переходника

Номер контакта разъёма DHS-44M



23 (17, 29)



18 (24, 30, 35, 40)

Синий (зелёный)

IO1 … IО2


Управление от PWR2 (НР — нормально разомкнутый контакт, НЗ — нормально замкнутый контакт):

Цветной шлейф Название контакта переходника Номер контакта разъёма DHS-44M Контакты разъема PWR2
Красный +5V 23 (17, 29)
Чёрный GND 18 (24, 30, 35, 40)
Синий (зелёный) Cредний контакт клеммника «PWR2» 
Дополнительным проводом клемма «+5V» подключается к нормально разомкнутому контакту реле (левая клемма в клеммнике «PWR2»)

Automation on a basis of UniPing server solution v3:

Automation and logic rules execution (LOGIC)

A server room monitoring unit allows setting certain logic rules, which will be executed by a device automatically. For example, to switch on a voltage, to turn on a notification alarm or a signal lamp, when a temperature on a temperature sensor exceeds indicated values, and automatically turn off a notification when a temperature is back to normal. Such rules allow implementing a simple automation system on a basis of a device.

Automatic air conditioner control by IR commands

With the help of an extra module NetPing IRC-TR v2 and an embedded LOGIC module a server room environmental monitoring device can automatically turn on an external air conditioner, by sending it an IR command when a temperature on a sensor exceeds, and then automatically turn it off, when a temperature is back to normal. The same way it is possible to turn on a standby air conditioners, which are turned off most of the time.

Automatic management of external devices via SNMP

Embedded logic rules allow managing other NetPing server room environmental monitoring units through a network by sending them a SNMP SET command when a condition works. It can be useful to turn on an indication/notification in another building when a sensor is triggered in a server room, for example. Regardless a device with a sensor location as well as an indication device location, a command will be executed if they have a network connection.

Comfort of use, simple integration into existing systems, reliability:

Works 24 hours/7 days a week, with no hang-ups

A server room monitoring device is designed for an uninterrupted operation in an unattended room in 24/7 mode. A built-in power supply supervisor protects a device from hang-ups when there are voltage fluctuations. We do not use operating systems when developing software. The entire code is written by us on a C language completely, and the code is highly optimized for the provided functionality.

An embedded web server

A device is managed and configured through a browser. Specific software is not needed. Operates in any OS (Windows, Linux, Mac).

Connecting to an Ethernet network, a static IP address

A server room monitoring device is connected to a common office Ethernet network, into any available port of an Ethernet switch. Having published an IP address of a device in the Internet, it is possible to manage device sockets from anywhere in the world.

2 Ethernet ports on a body of a device

They allow using one port to connect a server room monitoring device to an Ethernet switch, and the second one as a common Ethernet port to plug any Ethernet devices, including other NetPing server room monitoring units and power distribution units, in a chain. This can be extremely useful when all ports of a switch are already occupied: NetPing can be plugged into a switch, and a network device can be plugged into an available Ethernet port.

Authorization and access restriction

An access to a web interface of a server room monitoring unit is protected with a login and password, set by a user. There is a need to authorize to get to a web interface of a device. Besides, it is possible to restrict an access to a device, having left an access from a specified IP sub network only.

SNMP support

An SNMP protocol is widely used in data collection systems for network equipment. A server room environmental monitoring unit supports management commands as well as receives information from sensors via an SNMP protocol. A device is easily integrated with network monitoring systems, such as Zabbix, PRTG Network Monitor, Nagios, OpenNMS, Monit, The Dude, LibreNMS, SolarWinds Orion Platform and similar ones, which receive data on a status of sensors, connected to a device through an SNMP protocol. 

Syslog support

This protocol together with dedicated server software can be used for collecting text log files of different devices operation in a network, including NetPing server room environmental monitoring devices. This can be very useful for collecting and analyzing statistics. 

URL-encoded commands support

A server room monitoring device supports sockets management and receiving information from sensors with the help of specific HTTP commands. These commands allow managing a device from any web page, developed by a user, including any mobile application. 

Firmware update

A server room monitoring device supports updating firmware through a web-interface of a device. We occasionally release updates for firmware. The updates are free of charge. 

Nonvolatile log file

All events (turning devices on and off, information from sensors) are stored in a nonvolatile memory. The information is stored even when a power supply cuts off. 

Nonvolatile clock and time synchronization with NTP

To execute commands in a fixed specific time (a module Schedule), it is crucially important for a clock not to shift. Time tags are used for records in a log file as well. A device has its own built-in nonvolatile clock and a possibility to automatically sync with external time server via an NTP protocol.

Usually, UniPing server solution v4/SMS is used to:

  • Monitor physical conditions of computer equipment operation; restrict an access to boxes with equipment and notify persons in charge about emergency situations (Email, SMS notifications, local notifications).
  • Remotely manage air conditioners, ventilation systems and climate control systems. Connected sensors allow tracking a current situation, and a remote 220V sockets management with the help of NetPing AC/DIN sockets that allow turning on a necessary system without physical presence at an object, including an automatic mode!

Email, SNMP TRAP, Syslog notifications about sensors triggering

When sensors, connected to a server room monitoring device, are triggered, the device can send the next notifications:

SNMP TRAP — is convenient to use for integration with monitoring systems as well as for fulfilling automatic actions on a PC (for example, start playing an alarm) with the help of specific software.

Syslog — with the help of specific software installed on a PC (a syslog server), all messages from sensors can be stored in a text file for a following analysis.

SMS-notifications from sensors

When a sensor is triggered, a server room monitoring device can send an SMS-notification to an indicated phone number. It is convenient to use for the most critical sensors. A responsible employee will receive a notification to his/her cell phone regardless his/her location and Internet access. In addition, the notification does not depend on an Ethernet/Internet access/connection of the device.

Temperature sensors

External temperature sensors are extremely popular in server room and data center monitoring systems. With their help, it is possible to control a temperature mode of a critical equipment operation as well as receive timely notifications about denials and failures in a climate control system, diagnose coolers failures and accidental ventilation flows overlaps.

Humidity sensors

It allows to estimate a relative humidity of atmospheric air. It is commonly used to monitor optimum conditions of a computer equipment operation in server rooms.

Supply voltage sensor

This sensor allows to detect a presence or an absence of voltage in a power supply socket, to which a sensor is connected. A common use of this sensor is to receive notifications when a voltage in the electrical network disappears. At the same time, the device must be powered by UPS or a battery, or a backup power line.

Door opening/closing sensors

It performs security and monitoring functions. It helps to track opening/closing of a door into a server room, data center or the same of a door to a switch cabinet with equipment.

Leakage sensors

Allows to determine a water on a floor of a server room, data center or on a bottom of a wiring closet. In a case of flooding (a breakage in a water or heating system) this sensor allows to give advance notice to a responsible employee about a contingency. Also this sensor can be useful to control leakage in a conditioner condensing system.

Smoke detection sensors

Allows to detect a smoke indoors. It is usually used with NetPing server room environmental monitoring units as a backup monitoring sensor. An appropriate equipment must be used to implement the functions of a security and fire system!

Automation on a basis of UniPing server solution v4/SMS:

Automation and logic rules execution (LOGIC)

A server room monitoring unit allows setting certain logic rules, which will be executed by a device automatically. For example, to switch on a voltage, to turn on a notification alarm or a signal lamp, when a temperature on a temperature sensor exceeds indicated values, and automatically turn off a notification when a temperature is back to normal. Such rules allow implementing a simple automation system on a basis of a device.

Automatic air conditioner control by IR commands

With the help of an extra module NetPing IRC-TR v2 and an embedded LOGIC module a server room environmental monitoring device can automatically turn on an external air conditioner, by sending it an IR command when a temperature on a sensor exceeds, and then automatically turn it off, when a temperature is back to normal. The same way it is possible to turn on a standby air conditioners, which are turned off most of the time.

Automatic management of external devices via SNMP

Embedded logic rules allow managing other NetPing server room environmental monitoring units through a network by sending them a SNMP SET command when a condition works. It can be useful to turn on an indication/notification in another building when a sensor is triggered in a server room, for example. Regardless a device with a sensor location as well as an indication device location, a command will be executed if they have a network connection.

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